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Privacy Policy

🛡️ Your Data, Your Trust: The Privacy Guidelines 🛡️

Welcome to We understand that privacy is important to you, and we are committed to safeguarding your personal information. This Privacy Policy explains what information we collect, how we use it, and your options regarding your information. We need to have this in place to comply with various regulations, including getting approval from Google AdSense. So, let's dive in.

What Information We Collect:

  • Personal Identification Information (Name, Email address, etc.)

    • When you sign up for our newsletter, respond to a survey, or participate in any other site feature that requires input, we may ask for your name, email address, or other personal identifiers. This information is used to personalize your experience, and to enable us to deliver the type of content in which you are most interested. Rest assured, this data is stored securely and is only accessible by authorized personnel.

  • Non-personal Identification Information (Browser type, country, etc.)

    • We collect non-personal identification information automatically when you visit our website. This can include the type of browser you're using, your computer's operating system, and your country of residence. This information helps us optimize our website for the most common technologies used by our visitors and to understand our audience's geographical distribution.

  • Web Behavior Data (Pages visited, time spent on the site, etc.)

    • We also monitor how visitors interact with our website through tools like Google Analytics. This allows us to see which pages you visit, how long you spend on each page, and what path you take through the site. This helps us understand what content is most engaging and relevant to our audience, so we can continue to improve and offer more of what you want to see.

Use of Collected Information:

  • To Personalize Your Experience

    • We use the Personal Identification Information you provide, like your name and email, to tailor your experience on For instance, if you’ve shown an interest in architectural design posts, you're more likely to see related content pop up in your recommendations. It's a bit like having a smart librarian who knows exactly which books to hand you the moment you walk into the library.

  • To Improve Our Website

    • Your Non-Personal Identification Information and Web Behavior Data come into play here. By understanding which browser types are most commonly used, what countries our visitors are from, and which pages are most and least popular, we can fine-tune the website. This is akin to a construction team inspecting every nook and cranny of a building site; we identify the weak spots so we can reinforce them, making your overall experience more enjoyable and efficient.

  • To Send Periodic Emails if You Opt-In to Our Mailing List

    • If you decide to join our mailing list (and we hope you do), your email address will be used to send you periodic updates. These emails may contain blog posts, company updates, related product or service information, and occasional promotional material. Don't worry, it won't be a barrage—just a friendly nudge to let you know what's happening in our world. And if ever you decide you've had enough, unsubscribing is just a click away.

Use of Cookies:

  • To Understand and Save Your Preferences for Future Visits

    • Cookies are like the sticky notes of the internet; they help remember little details that make your experience better. For instance, if you select a particular theme or layout setting while you're on, cookies help us remember that for the next time you visit. This way, you won’t have to adjust your settings every single time—consider it a personalized welcome mat at the door of our digital home.

  • To Compile Aggregate Data About Site Traffic

    • Cookies also help us gather generalized data about how visitors use our site. We're talking about things like which pages get the most visits, what time of day our site is busiest, and how long people tend to stay on each page. Think of it as taking an aerial drone shot of a bustling marketplace; the view from above gives us valuable insights on where to place new stalls or how to improve the flow of foot traffic. This aggregate data is crucial for optimizing the site to serve you better.

Sharing Information:

  • We Do Not Sell, Trade, or Rent Your Personal Information

    • Let's make this crystal clear: your personal information is not up for sale or trade like some rare comic book at a flea market. Nope. We keep that locked up tighter than a secret treasure map. Your trust is essential to us, and we don't engage in selling, trading, or renting your personal information to outside parties.

  • Exception Cases Where We Might Share Information (Legal Obligation, Protecting Rights, Etc.)

    • Now, just like superheroes have their codes but must sometimes collaborate with others, we also have our exception clauses. There are a few scenarios where we might be legally obligated to share your information:

      • Complying with the law or responding to legal processes

      • Protecting the rights, property, or safety of, our users, or the public

      • Facilitating a merger, acquisition, or sale of all or a portion of our assets

    • In cases like these, sharing information becomes a necessity, not a choice. Just as architects occasionally have to change plans to comply with new laws or community guidelines, we have to adapt to fulfill our legal or ethical obligations.

Data Security:

  • Secure Storage and Encrypted Data Transfer

    • When it comes to storing your precious data, think of us as the Fort Knox of websites. We employ secure storage methods and encrypted data transfer to ensure that your information is as safe as a family heirloom in a vault. Just like a construction site wouldn’t operate without hard hats and safety measures, our digital fortress is fortified with encryption technologies to protect your data during any transactions.

  • Anti-Malware and Security Protocols in Place

    • You know how you wouldn't go into a construction zone without a hard hat? Similarly, we don't let any data roam around without adequate protection. Our website is equipped with anti-malware software and multiple security protocols to deter any would-be digital intruders. It’s like having a rottweiler guarding the gates, except this one’s trained to sniff out malware and chase off hackers.

Third-Party Services:

  • Use of Google Analytics, Google AdSense, and Other Services

    • If our website were a bustling city, consider these third-party services like the public utilities. They help the city function smoothly but operate under their own set of rules. Google Analytics helps us understand how you interact with the site, so we can make your virtual stroll through as enjoyable as possible. Google AdSense, on the other hand, lets us display ads that are relevant to you, making it a win-win for everyone.

  • What Data They May Collect

    • These third-party services may collect data similar to what we gather, such as Web Behavior Data and Non-Personal Identification Information. Think of it like an architect using different tools to get a fuller understanding of a building site; each service provides us a unique viewpoint that helps in constructing a better user experience.

User’s Rights:

  • Opt-Out Options

    • You have the right to say, "No, thank you" to any cookies or data collection methods we or third-party services use. Opting out of cookies might change how you interact with our site, kind of like refusing a hardhat at a construction site—you can still walk around, but it won't be optimized for you.

  • Procedure to Review Your Personal Information We Possess

    • Transparency is key in any good structure, whether that's a building or a website. If you ever want to take a peek at the blueprints—i.e., review or amend the personal information we have about you—just reach out to us via [Your Contact Information]. We'll guide you through the process faster than a drill through softwood.


  • This Website is Not Intended for Use by Individuals Under 13

    • We like to think of our website as a mature space—a swanky loft apartment in the digital world, if you will. This means it’s not really a playground for kids under 13. Just like you wouldn't let a minor roam around a construction site unsupervised, is not designed for the youngsters. If we learn that we've inadvertently collected information from someone under the age of 13, we'll take swift action to remove that data from our servers.

Changes to the Policy:

  • Updates Will Be Posted on This Page

    • Ever visited a construction site after a few months and noticed it's transformed completely? Our Privacy Policy can be a bit like that. As laws change and technologies evolve, we might need to update this policy. But worry not, any new blueprints—ahem, changes—will be posted right here on this page for you to see. 

By using this website, you consent to this Privacy Policy. If you have any questions about our privacy practices, or if you wish to update or delete your personal information, you can contact us at


Atul Kulkarni

18th Floor, Cyber One,

Opp CIDCO Exhibition Centre,

Sector 30, Vashi, Navi Mumbai,

Maharashtra 400703

Phone Number : 8766069438

We may update this Privacy Policy periodically, and we recommend that you review this page regularly for any changes. The updated date at the bottom of this page indicates when the last update was made.

Thank you for visiting We value your trust and strive to make your experience safe and secure.

Last Updated: 26th August 2023

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